Is This Funny or Scary? Global Warming Blamed on Fat People

Remember, “the science is settled.”  This is the phrase that is hurled any time a person questions any part of Global Warming ‘science’.  The inevitable result is that there is no governor on the rhetoric that comes out of the Global Warming camp.  It just keeps getting ratcheted up over and over.

A story on Fox News entitled, “Do Fat People Cause Global Warming?” is a good example of this.  In the article ‘fat people’ are charged with the sin of causing global warming.  The people saying this are providing no statistics regarding the percentage of greenhouse gases produced by ‘fat people’ verses ‘skinny people’ or the overall percentage of effect on the planet made by fat people compared to other producers of greenhouse gasses such as volcanoes, the oceans, all other animal life on earth, uncontrolled population growth in third world countries, children born out of wedlock, and all industrial production.

No, the target today is fat people.  They are an easy target, of course.  Everyone loves to blame the fatty, and they are a convenient target for any joke or attempt at physical humor.  I would wager that the percentage of extra CO2 gas produced by fat people would be many times less that one percent of the produced CO2 gas.

This is just another example of Global Warming alarmists trying to get attention and throwing their weight around.  The scary thing is that when they blame, they generally attempt to punish or control those who are being blamed.  I supposed their solution for this will be to tax fat people or products that make a person fat in order to buy carbon credits in order to offset their awful fatness.  Soon we will see a sticker on the counter at McDonalds that will say “35 cents out of every dollar spent here goes to taxes.”

If you do not see a Pandora’s Box being opened here, you are blind.  These ideas will open the door for all sorts of controls on people’s lives including eventual population controls because uncontrolled populations are a much greater ‘threat’ to the planet than fat people.  And who will take the brunt of these new attitudes, the responsible Western democracies that care.  Because, trying to implement these ideas in countries that have no responsibility of their own or in socioeconomic areas of Western democracies where large numbers of children are born out of a marriage, would seen as a racist policy.

Obama’s Short Honeymoon

Today’s inauguration went off with pomp and circumstance which has not been seen in the world since the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.  Just as when these two were married, the sky seems to be the limit.  How could anything ever go wrong?  Everyone, it seems, is smashing themselves together with the sole aim of showing their support for a new messiah…, I mean president.

I, as most good Americans that voted for someone other then Obama (I am not saying you are a bad American I you voted for Obama), will support him as the elected leader of our country, and hope that he leads us well as a nation.  I am struck with the fear that he will appoint several young, liberal Supreme Court justices in his first year, and then follow in Clinton’s footsteps and expand the use of executive orders, thus legislating from the desk (oval office).

As far as the honeymoon goes, I hope Obama is ready.  Of course, the Republicans in Congress will be looking for anything and everything to criticize.  I look back on Clinton’s presidency and remember how ashamed I was when Republicans refused to support the use of force to stop the genocide that was happening in Bosnia.  If Obama looks to the right for support, he will get none.  This, I think, is expected.

What will be unexpected will be that the first shots will come from his own supporters.  In a few months, as he begins to face the reality of what withdrawal from an instable Iraq means to international peace, he will stall the withdrawal, and former supporters like Cindy Sheehan will draw first blood.  This, however, will only be the beginning.

Guantanamo will be another place where former supporters will turn on him.  It cannot be shut down.  Even if we decide to put all the detainees on trial, it will take years perhaps even a decade to hear them all.

The environmental movement will be even worse.  These people have lived their lives blaming the U.S. and lack of government intervention for every problem that they can conceive (and I do mean conceive).  The point is that in these economic times, it will not benefit Obama to hop on board with a bunch of wealth sapping green ideas, and he won’t.  Their expectations will be through the roof, and he will be able to deliver even less than he probably wants to.

Eventually, all of these and other special interest groups will realize that they are getting little more with Obama than they had with Bush, and then they will re-arm themselves with the only real weapon that they have, blame.  Unfortunately, for Obama, the there will be no one else to blame but him.

Idol is not to Blame

Find my latest American Idol article here.

Is it pressure or unrealistic expectations?

This week a former contestant on American Idol killed herself outside Paula Abdul’s apartment, and now, of course, many people are looking to blame the show for her death.

It is sad that this young lady with all of her apparent mental problems chose to end her life, but I do not feel that it can be blamed on American Idol.

The truth of the matter is that kids these days are being given a false sense of reality and expectations.  Just this week, Fox News published a story which blamed parents and schools for attempting to raise students’ self-esteem and expectations for their futures to unrealistic levels.

This is because children are praised without having to perform.  Children will always perform up to the expectations of adults.  When they are given no expectations in order to receive praise and rewards, then they will expect the world to be given to them for nothing.  They are often built-up without any foundation of personal accountability for 18 years, and then released on world that will savage them with its expectations.  Or, even worse they marry early and destroy the lives of their spouse and children with their expectation that everything will just be given to them without them having to put forth any effort.

American Idol and the other reality programs that focus on young people simply present us each season with the ugly truth of this situation.  Each season we see young person after young person talking about how they are not given a fair chance and how the ‘deserve’ to go on.  As Clint Eastwood said in Unforgiven, “Deserve has got nothing to do with it.”  No one ‘deserves’ to make it on American Idol or in any business.  They prove themselves through determination, hard work and talent.  The problem is that this generation, like most, does not want to put in the work that it takes to achieve, and they have been taught that they are the stars of their own movie.  Living a life where you go to work every day and earn an honest wage in order to support the family that you love is something that they cannot comprehend, and if they could, they would probably think it was boring and despise it.